Career Exploration for Stay-at-Home Parents

September is the time when students are back in school and everyone is finding their new groove. All of the summer activities have been completed, vacations will be cherished, and sports kick in again. Can you tell I’m projecting? It was a great summer, but September should be the month for YOU, the “Stay-at-Home Parent!”

We often think career exploration is just for high schoolers or even college students. The fact is career exploration is for everyone! It is sometimes more important for the parent who has sacrificed years of carpooling, homework assistance, school projects, spending weekends traveling to competitions. Sometimes we forget about us. Then one day you wake up and realize it’s only you…then what?

I’m in the season of life with my friends who are coming to the end of the HS chapter. The creeping questions of, “What in the WORLD am I going to do now?” is happening. When our lives have been our children and families, people often lose their identity. We lose our professional careers. We lose our vision. We lose our self-confidence.

What I want my adult clients to know is that it is never too late. Getting a plan now can help give you something to focus on and strategize for in the future. When the empty nest comes, you will have a new passion to focus on. But it doesn’t come within a few months. Reentering the workforce or finding your “thing” after being out for years is a challenge. I’m not going to sugar coat it. If you decide to gain additional education/degrees, it takes time. If you want to go back into your field, networking takes time. You want to make informed decisions, so energy is spent in the right areas. Learning about how awesome you are through the language provided through testing builds confidence. How do I know this? By the tears that are shed in client sessions. It’s a powerful process.

As a result, in September, we are offering $50 off our career exploration package for Stay-at-Home moms & dads! We hope you will take the time for yourself. The next chapter of your life deserves it. And you are worth it!

To Sign Up Call: 210-749-0470 for the special offer.
