Jobscan: Getting Through The Applicant Tracking System

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

The more effectively you can tailor your resume for a specific job, the better your chances are. Generic resumes are a dime a dozen and unlikely to do well in an applicant tracking system (also known as an ATS). Using Jobscan, you can easily optimize your resume against any job description and make yourself a top candidate.

Jobscan is a tool that gives job seekers an instant analysis of how well their resume is tailored for a particular job and how it can be even better optimized for an ATS.

The resume match rate is a score (0% to 100%) based on how well your resume matches up with the job description you selected. Jobscan recommends aiming for a match rate of 80%.

Your match rate is based on these four priorities, in order:

1. Hard skills

2. Education level (only when an advanced degree is included in the job description)

3. Job title

4. Soft skills

5. Other keywords

Over 90% of large companies use Applicant Tracking Systems. These systems analyze resumes and CVs to surface candidates that best match the position, but qualified applicants slip through the cracks. They have researched the top systems and built an algorithm based on common patterns to help you get noticed.

Learn More Here.
