PreFlight Aviation Camp for Girls Ages 10-14

PreFlight is excited to announce the 2024 camp will be held from June 3-8 at UTSA campus in San Antonio, TX, and June 15-20th at Aims Community College in Windsor, Colorado! A third location in Mesa, AZ has been added and will be June 3-8th. Camper applications can be submitted on their website. They're currently onboarding new volunteers and are excited to get fresh energy in all of their committees to make camp even better. They're humbled by the amount of people that want to help and identify with their mission.

Reeder Consulting: College and Career Paths is a specialist in the career development field and the #1 career counseling company in San Antonio, TX working with clients in all 50 states. We help individuals engage in career and aptitude testing to process information through meaningful conversations and give clarity to the stress of career decisions to Proceed with Confidence.